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ホロライブ同人格闘ゲーム「Idol Showdown」はなぜ生み出されたのか? 制作者インタビュー

5月に公開された、VTuberグループホロライブの同人格闘ゲーム「Idol Showdown」。ホロライブVTuberがプレイアブルキャラクターとして登場することが大きな話題となり、VTuber本人はもちろんのこと、プロの格闘ゲーマーたちも熱心にプレイしている状況だ。


――なぜ、ホロライブをテーマにした格闘ゲームを制作しようと考えたのでしょうか? ホロライブを知ったきっかけについてもお聞かせください。(Why did you decide to create a fighting game for hololive? How did you come to know about hololive?)

Besto Game Team:

ホロライブとの出会いはチームメンバーでそれぞれ違っていますが、ホロライブによって私たち全員が一丸となり、Idol Showdownの制作が実現した、という点は確かです。ありがたいことです。

About three years ago our project founder had a bet with his friend to make a hololive fighting game. He took on the bet, and went onto Reddit to start recruiting strangers from all around the world to attempt to create one. It somehow miraculously worked out.

Each of our team members got to know hololive in a different way, but what we have in common is hololive brought all of us together to make Idol Showdown, and we are grateful for it.

――ゲーム開発中にとくに注力したことはどういったことでしょうか?(What point of this game did you spend time and difficulty in creating?)

Besto Game Team:



We spent the most time trying to figure out the process. 2.5 years ago we didn’t even know where to start. Recruiting members from all over the world and coordinating them to work together as a team. And unlike a full-time job position, we are all volunteers so we cannot force anyone to work, making it even harder to manage.

It was especially chaotic in the beginning because none of us had prior experience with game development. Some of our artists would draw whatever they wanted, and concepts were thrown around with no systems in place, leading to many scrapping of works.

But after we started refining our process over the years and got to know each other better, everything started to become much smoother. Now we can produce much higher quality and higher quantity of work in a much shorter amount of time.

――ゲーム内の技の演出には、ホロライブのVTuberが生配信で披露した多くのパロディネタが盛り込まれている印象です。技の演出には、どういったこだわりがありますか?(We have the impression that there are, in the game, many parodies from the broadcasts of the hololive talents: moves, special attacks, Super Star Attacks, etc. What point of them did you consider to be important in producing? (selection of parodies, animation, effects, etc.))

Besto Game Team:


We selected references that present interesting gameplay opportunities.

Fortunately there are thousands of hours of content from the hololive talents we could pull inspirations from, so thinking of the character movesets was not the hard part. The actual challenge was trying to fit all those references into the characters’ movesets while keeping a coherent gameplay concept. In the end we decided to prioritize gameplay and balance over cramming all the references into the game.

――ホロライブVTuberが実際にゲームを遊んでおり、好評を得ています。また、獅白ぼたんさんが、専用ボイスをゲーム側に送付するといった出来事もありました。ホロライブVTuberからのこうした反応をどのように受け止めていますか?(hololive talents are playing the game and enjoying it. There was an incident where Shishiro Botan requested to add her voice lines to the game. How did you receive these reactions from the hololive talents?)

Besto Game Team:


It’s like a dream. None of us expected this many hololive talents to play our game, because we knew most of them had never played a fighting game before.

We really appreciate them for trying out our game and even giving us custom voice lines. It’s still very surreal for us that our oshis are having fun playing our game, and we will try our best to listen to their requests and update their provided voice lines as we have done with Botan’s, Sora’s, and Aki’s.

――日本のプロ格闘ゲーマーたちも「Idol Showdown」を夢中で遊んでおり、攻略動画や対戦動画が数多く投稿されています。こうした盛り上がりをどのように思っていますか?(Japanese professional fighting gamers are absorbed in playing “Idol Showdown.” And some players have posted videos: showcases, matches, and How to Play. What do you think of this excitement?)

Besto Game Team:


日本のプロプレイヤーたちが、現実のホロライブタレントたちを中傷しないように、ゲームのキャラクターの「強力で安直な(powerful and cheap)」技を、「かわいい(kawaii)」と言うようになったのも感心しました。

『Idol Showdown』が、VTuber界隈と格闘ゲーム界隈の架け橋になりつつあるのは、私たちにとっても非常に面白いです。両界隈の交流を見るのは大好きですし、異なる二分野がぶつかって、これから何が生まれてくるのか今後が楽しみです。

We are beyond surprised. While we made this game mainly for hololive fans, we did have the fighting game players in mind and expected a small number of them to give it a try.

But what we didn’t expect was to have so many of them play our game, especially the top professional players.

Seeing Japanese professional players start to adopt the term “Kawaii” to describe “powerful and cheap” moves from our characters so as to not slander the actual hololive talents themselves was also an amazing sight to behold.

It is very interesting for us to see Idol Showdown slowly becoming the bridge between the VTuber community and fighting game community. We love seeing the interactions between them and we cannot wait to see what will be born from the clash between these two different worlds.

――今後アップデート予定や、新規キャラクターの登場などはありますか? また、今後作ってみたいゲーム情報などもあればお聞かせください。(Do you have any plans for updates or new characters in the future? Also, please let us know if you have any information about games you would like to make in the future.)

Besto Game Team:


次回作に関しては、『Idol Showdown』に全力を注ぎたいので、予定はまだありません。


We do have plans for future free content. Please watch our launch trailer here to see what we have in store! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkcTeZyknQg

We cannot reveal which characters we are working on but all we can say is we want to make the character roster as inclusive as possible.

As for future games, we have no plans yet as we want to focus all our effort on Idol Showdown.

Lastly we’d like to say thank you to everyone who has tried our game. We have a lot more in store for you, so please look forward to our upcoming updates this year!


Idol Showdownの配布はこちら。

The post ホロライブ同人格闘ゲーム「Idol Showdown」はなぜ生み出されたのか? 制作者インタビュー appeared first on Mogura VR.

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